Vision boards


I will admit, it was rather luminous standing outside the collapsing Music Business that I called home for over 30 years, and wondering, what the hell am I going to do now?

Now I knew I wanted to start my own company but I had only been in Corporate America. And because of this, I knew what I new and I didn’t know what I didn’t know. A blessing and a curse because all at once it was all up to me. And so started my journey towards the creation, building and running of a company, my company.

I made my first Vision Board in January 2009 , the first year of my new world.

A Vision Board has proven to be a great tool to keep me on my path. It is filled with pictures that represent my life’s goals, personal, professional and creative. It’s all the things that make me happy. My dreams in living color, on display every day .

There is no one way to make a vision board. That is up to you. You can use a board any size, shape or color. You can put pictures in a box. You can make a scrapbook or you can frame it. Just make it. Pour yourself into it and then put it in a place that you will frequently walk by, so that it is sure to serve as a constant reminder of the method to your own madness

Give yourself a hand in knowing and remembering where you are going.


My theory


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